Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

BeachPatrol Activities

Cleanest, Safest Beaches Possible

The BeachPatrol vision is to have strong communities living in a healthy environment with no plastic pollution.

LitterStopped In 2021, October

31 Oct

3280 WARRNAMBOOL 3290 levys beach to second bay 31 Oct 2021

1 plant pot, 4 handles, remnant toothbrush, 1 remnant clothes peg, 1 lego piece, 1 old school cigarette plastic filter, 3 crude oil deposits, 1 Palmolive pullring, 1 personal lubricant applicator top,...
31 Oct

3199 FRANKSTON 3199 Frankston Pier to end of Gould St 31 Oct 2021

Rope x2 shoelace x 1 mask covid x2 glove x1 tennis ball x1 building construction litter x 2 teabag x1 CORRECTION: hard plastics less than 5cm :272 and hard plastics greater than 5 cm: 17