Welcome to BeachPatrol and Love Our Street

BeachPatrol Activities

Cleanest, Safest Beaches Possible

It is the philosophy of the BeachPatrol to work with their local councils to encourage them to keep their beaches and streets clean.

Activity Blog December 2021 Monthly Report

Bottle Glass Drink: Bottle Plastic Drink: Can Metal Drink: PPE Items:
678 812 856 448
Hard Bits > 5cm: Hard Bits < 5cm: Soft Pieces > 5cm: Soft Pieces < 5cm:
738 4169 459 328
Micro Plastic < 5mm: Food Wrapper: Food Container: Lollipop Stick:
30 568 207 74
Sauce Pack: Bags Plastic: Bag Ziplock: Straw:
95 150 39 155
Bottle Top: Bottle Label: Cup Coffee: Cup Other:
551 15 466 172
Balloon: Cutlery: Bait Bag: Fishing Items:
36 79 23 538
Poly/Foam: Butt Cigarette: Cigarette Packs & Wrappers: Syringe:
582 3397 39 14
Cotton Bud: Building Items: Nurdles: U Name It:
185 75 233 342
No Of People: Person Hrs: Kgs: Total Bags (12L):
494 2486:40 1028 615.3
Audited Bags (12L): Length (m): Area (m2): Total Items Collected:
548.3 194,946 28,782,091 18,745